Thursday, September 3, 2009

2012 Planet Alignment

What is the 2012 Planet Alignment?

There is a great deal of hype going on today about events to come in the year 2012. To be exact, December 21, 2012 is the marking point of events predicted
by thousands of ancient people and modern scientists. Many of them have predicted different things, from global enlightenment to catastrophe here on earth, or even the end of the world as we know it.

These predictions can be dated as far back as
the ancient Mayans, whose incredible understanding of our solar system led them to construct a long count
calendar ending on December 21, 2012. This coincides with our modern day belief that this is about the time that our planet alignment takes place with the galactic equator.

The theory held by both the ancient
Mayan prophecies and our modern day predictions of the 2012
planetary alignment, is called pole shifting. In this theory, the position of the north and south pole change, which could spell worldwide disaster including giant tsunamis wiping out entire cities, widespread hurricanes, and chaos everywhere.

These doomsday predictions have been prophesied for thousands of year by
many ancient civilizations including the Mayans, Zulus, Incas, Hopi Indians, and many others.

This is a time in history when astrology couldn't be more important. We all have to keep our eyes peeled and our minds educated. Because if disaster strikes, we've got to know how to survive.

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Secrets Revealed about the 2012 Planet Alignment....